From: "Lawrence PAULSON" <>
Organization: Manchester Metropolitan University
Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2000 12:41:19 GMT
Subject: RE: Annoying commercial messages!


re: annoying commercial messages

When I was setting up britdisc-daily, I discovered that you don't
need to be su*scribed to britdisc to send a mesage to it.

Whilst this was great for my project (it meant people could
su*scribe to bd-daily, unsu*cribe from britdisc, and still send
message to britdisc), it does mean that any commercial spammer
could get hold of britdisc's address and send spam to it.

I think that's why it happens, what to do about it is difficult to say (if
I knew the answer, I'd be a e-millionaire by now).  Of course, you
could always join britdisc-daily... (or email me for more

Love & Luck,
Night Fever
BD-Daily's Mr Moderater